TL150000|The Armenian Genocide TL171107|A Zionist Congress' TL181109|Foreign Minister of the Weimar Republic, Gustav Stresemann TL200224|Nazi election campaign poster 'Work, Freedom, Bread' (1932) TL221024|Mussolini TL230900|Reichsmark bills TL231108|Himmler and SA men during the Munich putch TL251005|Foreign Minister of the Weimar Republic, Gustav Stresemann, after signing the Locarno Pact TL251109|Heinrich Himmler TL260908|The League of Nations TL300330|Heinrich Bruening TL300716|Heinrich Bruening TL300914|Heinrich Bruening TL320530|President Pauel von Hindenburg TL320604|Franz von Papen TL320720|Franz von Papen TL320731|Franz von Papen TL321106|Nazi election campaign poster 'Work, Freedom, Bread' (1932) TL321203|Kurt von Schleicher TL330130|SA torches parade in Berlin on the night of the Nazi accession to power TL330203|Hitler and the Heads of the Wehrmacht TL330227|The Reichstag in flames TL330305|Hitler votes TL330322|Prisoners in the Dachau concentration camp TL330324|Hitler and President Hindenburg at the Potsdam day TL330401|SA sentry before a Jewish store on boycott day TL330421|Jewish Hachschara in Harlingen TL330422|Nazi Legislation TL330425|Jewish Hachschara in Harlingen TL330502|German Labor Front (DAF) TL330510|Books Burning TL330714|A race lesson in German school, Cologn TL330714a|Postcard commemorating the Nazi Party Day of 1939 TL330720|Signing Ceremony of the Concordat between the Third Reich and the Holy See TL330820|Anti-Nazi demonstration, Madison Square Garden, March 15, 1937+B49 TL330825|Haavara Agreement - An advertising in Israeli newspaper TL330913|A race lesson in German school, Cologn TL330917|Leo Baeck TL331004|German newspapers before the Nazi regime TL331014|The German Wehrmacht TL340126|Signing the German-Polish non aggression Pact, 1934 TL340630|Ernst Roehm among SA men TL340802|Hindenburg's funeral TL350113|German soldiers in the Saar TL350210|Jewish leaders in Germany TL350316|The announcment of the reestablishment of the Wehrmacht TL350531|The announcment of the reestablishment of the Wehrmacht TL350611|A sign in a German village 'The Devil is the Father of the Jew' TL350618|A German ship TL350915|Humiliation of a couple charged with 'racial pollution' TL351030|Mussolini TL351114|A racial table specifying who is of German blood TL360307|The German Wehrmacht in the Rhineland TL360617|Himmler speaking before SS forum in 1942 TL360801|An official postcard commemorating the olympic games in Berlin TL360909|Hermann Goering TL361009|German Jews casualties of the First World War TL361025|Hitler and Mussolini in Venice TL370315|Anti-Nazi demonstration, Madison Square Garden, March 15, 1937 TL370321|Pope pius XI TL370913|Jews stand for roll call at Sachsenhausen TL371021|Jews stand for roll call at Sachsenhausen TL371105|German army manoeuvres TL371126|Hjalmar Schacht and Hitler, 1934 TL380313|Humiliation - Vienna Jews forced to scrab the streets TL380323|SS men enter the Jewish community building in Vienna, 1938 TL380328|Hitler TL380426|Nazi Legislation TL380614|A Jewish doctor sign. His Judaism is indicated by a star of David and the forced name 'Israel' TL380706|The Evian Conference TL380706a|Sign calling to avoid Jewish doctors and lawyers TL380723|A Jewish identification card signed with 'J' (Jewish) TL380817|Registration of prisoners in concentration camp TL380826|A line up for emigration visas TL380929|The Munich Agreement TL381005|A Jewish identification card signed with 'J' (Jewish) TL381006|A woman from the Sudetenland salutes the Germans as they enter TL381028|Jewish deportees in Zbszyn line up for soup TL381107|The Grossgrau synagogue in flames during the Crystal Night TL381107a|Herschel Grynszpan TL381110|Hitler and Mussolini in Venice TL381112|Passers by the day after the Crystal Night pogrom TL381115|Little children salute the Nazi 'Heil' TL390124|Heads of the Jewish emigration office, left to right: Eichmann, Heydrich, Mueller TL390221|Advertising to Jewish social help in Germany TL390315|Czech President, Emil Hacha, and Joseph Goebbels TL390427|Signing the German-Polish non aggression Pact, 1934 TL390427a|British women join the British army TL390430|Advertising to Jewish social help in Germany TL390704|Leo Baeck TL390823|Signing the Ribbentrop-Molotov Agreement TL390900|Scheunenviertel - The Ostjuden quarter of Berlin, 1935 TL390901|PICTURE N.795 ENGINE- Blitzkrieg in Poland TL360716|The Condor air squadron - German air force help to General Franco TL390328|General Franco with German delegate TL390903a|British women join the British army TL390917|Signing the Ribbentrop-Molotov Agreement TL390921|Reinhard Heydrich TL390922|Reinhard Heydrich TL390928|Poland partitioned between Germany and the Soviet Union TL391018|Deportation of Jews from the Protectorate TL391018a|Deportation of Jews from Vienna TL391020|SD men supervise deportation of Jews to Lublin TL391123|Children selling Jewish badges TL400510|Winston Churchill TL400710|Henri Philippe Petain TL400808|British anti-aircraft canon TL401115|Jews being transported to the Warsaw ghetto TL410300|German Jews in forced labor TL410622|Ribbentrop declares war on Soviet Union TL410623|Killing by the Einsatzgruppen TL410731|Reinhard Heydrich TL410901|Otto Olendorf, commander of Einsatzgruppe D TL410903|A tin containing Zyklon B crystals TL410919|Jewish child with yellow star TL410929|Bodies in mass grave TL411015|Jews deported from Germany TL411023|Jews in imigration office TL411125|A racial table specifying who is of German blood TL411211|Hitler and Mussolini in Venice TL420120|Villa Wannsee TL420125|Nazi Legislation TL420313b|Nazi Legislation TL420215|Nazi Legislation TL420527|Hitler and Goering over Heydrich's grave TL420602|Deportation of Jews TL420620|Jewish child with yellow star TL420722a|Jews of the Warsaw ghetto gathered prior to deportation TL420904|Deportation of Jews TL430202|Bodies of German soldiers after the defeat in Stalingrad TL430226|A German soldier with Sinti and Roma TL430227|Berlin TL430419|A photograph from Stroop's album: 'forced out from the bunkers' TL430725|Mussolini TL440319|Leader of Hungary, Selashi, being received upon entring office TL440720|Graf von Stauffenberg TL440814|Auschwitz-Birkenau - Air photo TL440825|Liberation of Paris TL450127|Soviet soldiers with a child on a pit just after liberation of Auschwitz TL450204|The Yalta Conference TL450213|Ruins of German city TL450425|A meeting between American and Soviet soldiers on German soil TL450430|Hitler and Eva Braun TL450508|V-E Day TL450716|Potsdam Conference TL450806|The atomic bombing of Hiroshima